Get Started:

Navigate around

Edit my user settings

Manage account:

Create and Manage Students

Manage and use Tags

Add and manage Users

Manage and use the Resource Database

Define It

Make Goals

Examples of Goal Types

Save Goal Templates

Adding goals to students

Track It

Save Goal Templates

Input data for multiple Goals

Report It

Generate reports

Use the View-Only Portal


Q: How does billing work?

A: For Sperro Pro clients, billing is at the start of every month through your subscription. You will be charged based on the number of Active Students for the month, and adjusted for changes in the number of Active Students the previous month, prorated daily.

Q: I’m not receiving any email to log in from Sperro!

A: Please check your Junk and Spam folder first. At times, organizations may have restrictions on what email gets delivered to your inbox, in which case, check with your email administrator. If the issue persists, please email us!

Q: Can I access more than what my Sperro Lite account offers?

A: For individual features and changes in function limits, you can do partial-upgrades through the app! For a more comprehensive upgrade, you can contact us to upgrade your account to Sperro Pro, with all its features.

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Didn’t find what you were looking for? Let us know what you need help with from within the app, or email us!